
Develop Your Talent!

Learn to inspire and inform your audience with confidence and charisma! Whether you’re presenting to a large auditorium or a smaller team via Zoom, Toastmasters will give you the experience and skills to excel!

Who are we?

DTC Speakeasies is a Toastmasters club of individuals and professionals who share the goal of improving our speaking ability in both small-group and large-group settings.

We meet twice monthly to practice public speaking and we follow the Toastmaster’s curriculum for leadership and speaking development.

Why join?

There are a wide variety of reasons people join our club, but some common reasons voiced by new members include:

  • A new role or promotion entails speaking and presenting in group settings more frequently
  • Past embarrassing experiences with public speaking
  • A boss or other work partner recommended improving public speaking skills to advance career goals  
  • Learn to project greater confidence when speaking in public
  • Learn how to be persuasive when speaking

What would I learn?

Much of the benefit of being in a Toastmasters club comes from getting a regular opportunity to speak and receive feedback to become a confident and effective speaker. However, there are key aspects beyond regular speaking practice that make being a member of this club a transformative experience.

  • A time-tested leadership and speaking curriculum developed by Toastmasters
  • Personal feedback and mentoring from other professionals and entrepreneurs
  • Strategies for handling specific challenges, such as impromptu speaking, learning to receive and give critical feedback, leadership skills and so much more.
  • Proven approaches for organizing and delivering your speech content so that it is both engaging and memorable

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